

本國在職學生:中文簡章 Local in-service students (in Chinese)
外國在職學生:英文簡章 International in-service students (in English)

本國在職學生22名及外國在職學生25名 (外國學生,不含港澳生、僑生、陸生)  22 local in-service students and 25 international in-service students (Including foreign students. Excluding overseas Chinese students, Hong Kong, Macao students, and mainland China students.)

師資主要以德州大學阿靈頓分校美國教授來台,於清大校園面授;部分課程也將由清大教授授課。 The faculty is mainly from University of Texas at Arlington, who will give lessons by face-to-face in Tsing Hua University. Some courses will be also taught by professors from Tsing Hua University.


Highlights of NTHU-UTA Dual EMBA Program

•    AACSB Accreditation: The program benefits from the global top  business school certification. Outstanding students may receive the honors  BGS (Beta Gamma Sigma) award, which grants global lifetime honorary  membership.

•    In-Person Instruction: Professors from the University of Texas at  Arlington teach in person in Taiwan. They employ interactive teaching  methods, including case studies, teamwork, and group discussions.

•    Chinese Tutoring Session: A one-day Chinese tutoring session with  domestic professors is held on Saturdays before classes with UTA  professors. This session helps strengthen students' English vocabulary and  professional phrases and provides a preview of all teaching materials,  including PPT and case studies from UTA professors.

•    Thesis Requirements: Theses can be written in either English or  Chinese with NTHU professors for graduation requirements. UTA does  not require a thesis.

•    Dual Degrees: Students earn dual master's degrees from internationally  renowned universities without needing to study abroad. The degrees are  recognized by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan and globally.

•    Alumni Network: Students gain access to alumni networks in Taiwan,  the United States, China, and worldwide.

•    International Activities: The program offers flexible learning  locations, multinational networking opportunities, U.S. corporate visits,  and a U.S. campus graduation ceremony.

•    Admission Requirements: No TOEFL or GMAT is required, and there  is no limit on undergraduate background. Admission is based on an  interview and a comprehensive ability assessment.

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