
畢業生心得 Graduate experience


另外,DUAL E23的課程體力馬拉松,有著同學們的相互支持。個案分析社企業參訪及行健社的人生達標皆更豐富了此過程。清華著實增添了我的韌性及新視角去迎向未來。

Participating in the Dual EMBA program was a decision that altered the course of my professional journey. This program uniquely blends academic excellence with practical application, creating an environment where I could truly thrive. The faculty members are world-class, and their commitment to our growth is evident in every lecture and interaction. 
One of the program's standout features is its diverse and accomplished cohort. Engaging with professionals from different industries and backgrounds expanded my horizons and enriched my learning experience. Collaborating with classmates who were experts in their respective fields was challenging, but the rewards were immense. 
Furthermore, the program's international exposure was incredibly valuable. Through the guidance of UTA professors from the United States and international case studies, I gained a global perspective that has proven to be priceless in today's interconnected business world. 
Beyond the classroom, the Dual EMBA program nurtured a supportive and close-knit community. The friendships and professional networks I forged while there continue to be a source of inspiration and collaboration. 
In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Tsinghua University's Dual EMBA program to aspiring leaders and executives. Here, you can unleash your potential, push your limits, and emerge as a well-rounded, forward-thinking leader. Joining the Tsinghua Dual EMBA family was one of the best decisions of my life, and I encourage you to embark on this remarkable journey. 










歲月如梭,兩年的日子也迎來了學期的終點,站在終點線前,回首過去七百多個日子,有歡樂有挑戰有辛酸更有團隊的扶持,也慶幸選擇Dual EMBA完整的商管課程讓自己理工的腦袋加入更多商業管理、財務、市場行銷、專案決策等元素,得以學會用更多不同的角度去審視工作與思考人生。
Dual EMBA學程,擁有全英文授課、全英語的交談環境,加上紮實的商管課程、個案分析、團隊競賽,學習上相當的踏實。除此之外,清華大學與德州大學阿靈頓分校豐富的學習資源,輔以社團、企業參訪等活動,讓學生擁有跨領域學習跟交流的機會。
感謝林哲群院長、林世昌執行長對Dual EMBA專班的用心與經營,也感謝參與這個專班的教授們給予學生的指導,更感謝這段歲月一起撐過來的學長姊,很慶幸自己畢業於Dual EMBA,學生由衷的感謝。