
專班介紹 Dual EMBA

【Dual EMBA】
高階經營管理雙聯碩士在職學位學程(NTHU-UTA Dual EMBA Degree Program)由國立清華大學(National Tsing Hua University, 簡稱NTHU)與美國德州大學阿靈頓分校(University of Texas at Arlington, 簡稱UTA)共同提供專業師資和安排豐富多元的課程內容,學習國際性跨文化商業決策方法。藉由與國外學校雙聯學制的合作模式,深化高等教育學術交流的內涵,並發揮優勢互補的特色,創造雙贏的國際化學術環境。學生完成雙邊學術要求後,即可於畢業時同時取得清華大學與德州大學阿靈頓分校雙邊EMBA學位。

The NTHU-UTA Dual EMBA Degree Program is jointly organized by National  Tsing Hua University (NTHU) and the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). This program offers a dual EMBA degree, providing access to professional professors and a diverse range of courses focused on international cross-cultural business decision-making methods. The dual education system fosters deeper academic exchanges and leverages the complementary strengths of both institutions, creating a mutually beneficial international academic environment. Upon completing the program's requirements, students are awarded dual EMBA degrees from both Tsing Hua University and the University of Texas at Arlington.


德州大學阿靈頓分校商學院自1969年即通過The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) 評鑑認可。UTA商學院在不同專業領域中均有其優勢如下:
1.    2018 全球大學QS排名EMBA第98名
2.    2016美國US News Report評選為全美國家級大學 (National Ranking)
3.    商學院Quantitative Finance碩士全美Top 第38名、Taxation碩士Top第7名
4.    The Princeton Review 名列全美最佳296商學院之一
5.    2002年起,與上海同濟大學、西安交通大學、北京科技大學建立中外合作辦學EMBA

The College of Business at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) has been  accredited by AACSB since 1969. It boasts several notable achievements across  different professional fields:

  1. QS EMBA Ranking: In 2018, it was ranked among the top 98 EMBA  programs in the world by QS.
  2. U.S. News Report: UTA was featured in the "National Rankings" list.
  3. Specialized Programs: The MS in Quantitative Finance is ranked 38th in  the United States, and the Master of Taxation is ranked 7th in the United States.
  4. The Princeton Review: It was named “One of the Best Business Schools in  the U.S.” by The Princeton Review.
  5. Sino-Foreign Cooperative Programs: Since 2002, UTA has established  cooperative EMBA programs with Shanghai Tongji University, Xi'an Jiaotong  University, and Beijing University of Science and Technology.


清華大學科管院於2015年獲得AACSB國際高等商管教育認證 (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business),管理相關的碩士在職專班包含EMBA新竹班、EMBA深圳班、EMBA亞太馬來西亞班、MBA新竹班、MBA金門班、財務金融MFB專班、公共政策與管理MPM專班及新成立的健康政策與經營管理HBA專班,共八個管理在職專班。清華大學科管院以學術研究卓越與專業管理碩士班教學實務導向雙軌並重,提供涵蓋管理、經濟、財務、法律、醫療等各領域全面且均衡的課程,同時聘任具豐富實務經驗的專業人才擔任專任講座或教授,提供更豐富的實務課程。

The College of Technology and Management at NTHU has been accredited by AACSB since 2015. It offers eight professional programs, including EMBA in Hsinchu, EMBA in Shenzhen, EMBA APAC in Malaysia, MBA in Hsinchu, MBA in Kinmen, MFB, MPM, and HBA. NTHU CTM provides a blend of excellent academic research and professional management courses across various fields such as management, economics, finance, law, and medicine. The faculty comprises professionals with practical experience, ensuring that the courses are both relevant and applicable to real-world scenarios.